The Zoo Kids

The Zoo Kids
Finally Together

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mei's Story for Abba's Glory (Nov. 3, 2010)

This semester we have led a workout on campus through the BCM. The workout is called the Warrior Workout. Slowly we have been building relationships with students, but we have not had any real opportunities to have significant conversations with anyone until yesterday. (We have had several students connect to the Hangar ministry due to the workout connection, but personally we have not had any significant conversations.)

Yesterday we talked about the adoption a little and all throughout the semester I have been keeping the students in the workout up to date on what has been happening. One girl asked why we didn’t adopt from the U.S. I shared how orphans are cared for in other countries as compared to the system we have here in the U.S. She got it! She is also a product of our foster care system in the U.S. and admits she had it very good by comparison.

This conversation led me to ask if the class wanted our last workout day (the Tuesday before Thanksgiving) to be a time to meet Mei and hear his story. They all agreed. Our prayer is to pack out the room so we can share Mei’s story and show Christ’s desire to bring us into Abba’s family inspite of all our imperfections. I am praying to see many come into Abba’s family as a result.

We have been committed all along to share Mei’ story for Abba’s glory whenever we have the chance. This is just the beginning – no – a continuation because it is already being shared and being used to bring Abba glory!

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