The Zoo Kids

The Zoo Kids
Finally Together

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Meaning Behind Mei's Name

From what we are being told the children at Mei's orphanage are given the family name Mei after the city Meizhou. Meizhou means Plum City. So Mei means plum and not "beautiful" as we originally thought. But the plum blossom is considered very beautiful in China.

According to Wikipedia.....   The plum blossom is..... "One of the most beloved flowers in China, the plum blossoms have been frequently depicted in Chinese art and poetry for centuries. The Chinese sees its blossoms as both as a symbol of winter as well as a harbinger of spring. It is precisely for this reason that the blossoms are so beloved, as they bloom most vibrantly amidst the winter snow, after most other plants have shed their leaves, and before other flowers appear. They are seen as an example of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity..."

As the Chinese people consider the plum blossoms beloved so Mei is a beloved son of the Deavers Zoo! One day, prayerfully, he will become a beloved son of Abba Father. His story is not only an example of how all men have the opportunity to be adopted as beloved sons into the family of God, but also an example of resilience and perseverance in the face of much adversity. We have had the privilege of watching him play through skyping with our friends and he is very determined and displays great perseverance.

May Abba continue to receive much glory through Mei's story!

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